The future of health coverage in the U.S. is uncertain, but the likelihood that Health Savings Accounts will play a more prominent role in the future seems likely. As our friends at freshbenies report, you don't have to know whether or not the ACA may go away to prepare for life with an HSA.
One of the biggest advantages to using a free RefillWise card is that, in addition to being free, it does not drive up insurance premiums. If you don't have insurance, it guarantees a lower price for prescription medicine and durable medical equipment, like nebulizers, diabetes test strips, and crutches. In some cases, the price you pay for prescriptions using RefillWise may be less expensive than a copay with insurance. RefillWise works at all major chain pharmacies and most independent pharmacies, and we're the only pharmacy discount provider sharing our profits with our members by offering you cash rewards — $5 the first time you use your free membership card to fill a prescription, then $5 after every 10th prescription.
Once you sign up via email or text or register online, you immediately receive cash rewards. You also have access to your prescription history, regardless of which pharmacies you used to fill them. We encourage our members to use one card for all the family members they care for so rewards will rack up even faster. But when it comes time to determine how much to contribute to your Health Savings Account, RefillWise offers another nifty advantage: a record of how much your family spends on prescriptions. If you have the option to contribute to an HSA pre-tax, this will help you calculate how much to chip in so your tax burden is as low as possible, all the while maximizing your take home pay and savings. Use your RefillWise account history to determine if the amount of money you put into your HSA is enough to allow you to afford needed prescriptions.

With a market currently valued around $4.4 billion, it’s no surprise a lot of RefillWise users ask about savings on erectile dysfunction drugs such as Cialis. Many have questions, but some feel embarrassed to ask everything on their mind because the topic can get a little awkward. We’ve put together answers to some of the more frequent questions we get in the hopes of keeping everyone safe, sparing a bit of embarrassment, and helping you save money on two of the most popular drugs in America.
Can I order it online without a prescription?
This is one of the most common questions we receive, so let’s be clear. The short answer is no, not really.
Thousands of companies advertising online claim to offer Cialis and Viagra for huge discounts without needing a prescription. A lot of these companies suggest they're Canadian, British, or American to try and gain your trust, but you can't really know the source or quality of these manufacturers. All of them gladly take your money. Some then disappear or ignore follow up emails and calls. Others might send medication in the mail that is supposedly brand name, but it’s a safe bet that the pill you’re about to introduce to your system came from an unregulated “lab” somewhere.
That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to kill you, but it doesn’t mean it’s safe either. It also doesn’t mean the product will work. A lot of these pills are sugar placebos or random cocktails of generic ingredients. A few of them may even contain added narcotics like opium. Although some people claim they’ve ordered from these shady online sources with satisfactory results, there are also many stories of those who either lost their money or received pills that didn’t work, and even more who began receiving a large quantity of spam phone calls and emails from Indian companies after placing orders.
Just to be clear…if you’re considering this option, don’t. In this day and age, ordering potentially dangerous medications from mystery pharmacies on the internet is a bad idea for a whole bunch of reasons. On behalf of the RefillWise family, we encourage you to reread that sentence a few times over and make a careful, responsible life decision.
Do they really work?
Yes, ED drugs like Viagra and Cialis actually do enable most men to achieve an erection, so in that sense they do work. If you think about what that question really means, however, the answer is more nuanced. Although achieving and maintaining an erection is a big part of sex, it does not guarantee a satisfying experience for either participant. The effects of the drugs are only physical — they won’t create a sincere attraction to your partner where there is none. Put simply, they’ll better enable you to have sex, but they won’t necessarily make you want sex. If you don’t actually want to have sex with your partner, then the issue isn't related to your penis.
What’s the difference between Cialis and Viagra? Is one better than the other?
The biological mechanism of the drugs is similar, but there are some subtle differences between them.
Taking a dose of Viagra basically means you’re going to have an erection for 4 hours come hell or high water. It’s not guaranteed, but most users experience an erection within 30 minutes of ingestion, sometimes even without any stimulation. The erection typically lasts in varying states of rigidity until the drug exits the system in 3-5 hours.
Unlike Viagra, taking a dose of Cialis doesn’t directly result in an erection, but instead heightens the likelihood and frequency of achieving an erection while the drug is in your system, which can be anywhere from 1 to 3 days. In laymen’s terms, it requires a little more mental effort and/or stimulation to take effect but will last a full weekend. Some users claim it’s a more organic and therefore enjoyable sexual experience, while others believe it doesn’t work as well as Viagra and are unable to achieve an erection at all.
How much does it cost?
Unsurprisingly, neither of these drugs are cheap. If your insurance does not cover ED treatments, Viagra and Cialis (single use) are probably going to run you between $56 to $66 per pill. Consequently, most prescriptions end up being just a few pills at a time. The drug manufacturers will sometimes run promotions or offer coupons for discounts on your first 3 pills, but after that you’re on your own to pay the full price. RefillWise can help save $10 to $40 or $50 on these prescriptions, which also helps ease the burden.
If the single use pills are cost prohibitive but 2 or 3 pills aren’t enough to last a month, Cialis also offers a daily use option of 2.5mg or 5mg which costs around $12 to $15 per pill, and begins to take effect by the 4th day. The end result is still somewhat expensive per month, but if taken daily, provides the same outcome of the single use at a fraction of what 30 single use pills would cost. RefillWise can also save up to $50 on these prescriptions.
Other Awkward Questions People Ask
Does it make you last longer?
This is a likely effect. Both Cialis and Viagra result in increased blood flow to the penis, which also decreases sensitivity to varying degrees based on dosage strength, metabolism, diet, and many other factors. Everyone is different, however.
Will they increase penis size?
No. That’s not really a thing. There might be more blood flow than usual, but no measurable difference in size.
What tips would you give men taking it for the first time?
Abstain from intercourse and masturbation for a few days before. Try to eat healthy, stay hydrated, and don’t drink too much alcohol.

As a RefillWise member, we want to ensure you reap the most rewards and benefits out of your RefillWise card. Our mission is to make your prescriptions affordable, accessible, and available – and three tips outlined below will help you instantly save up to 80% at the pharmacy while earning cash rewards.
Tip #1: Sign Up Via Text
You can sign up for RefillWise by texting JOIN to 22822. One benefit of signing up by text is you will have your card with you at all times you carry your phone. Another benefit? As long as you have your phone, you won't forget your card, and even if you lose your phone, we can replace your card so you won't lose any of the cash rewards you earned.
Tip #2: Keep a Spare Membership Card
If you register for a new account at, request a card by email to print at home, then print an extra copy. Or if you receive our card by mail, make a photocopy and store it in a safe place, or take a picture of it. Even if you lose your original card, you can easily contact us to request a new card, and the cash rewards you have already earned can still be redeemed. Our friendly customer service team is also always available to listen and help you with your card or your account.
Tip #3: Share Membership among Family Members
By sharing one membership per household, you earn rewards faster and more often. You can also request or print extra copies of your card for your household members to use, similar to how several relatives in the same family may share one rewards card telephone number at a grocery store chain. If you don't want other members of your household to see your prescription history and want to personally receive a $5 gift card after filling each tenth prescription, it would make sense for you to keep your account separate from other family members. But if you pick up prescriptions for other family members in your care — even your pet — your rewards will accumulate much faster.
By signing up via text, requesting or printing an extra card online for your account, and sharing your membership with the people and pets in your household, you will reap the most rewards from your RefillWise experience.

We offer members a pharmacy discount card - not a coupon - that earns cash rewards.
While coupons expire and are generally used one time, cards work forever, and your benefits will never expire. With your card, you never have to think about shopping by a certain date or at a specific place, or only for one particular prescription. It's free, yours to keep, and saves you money every time you use it, forever.
You get a $5 gift card the first time you use your card, then earn points every time you use your card. After every tenth visit, you receive another $5 gift card - which you can spend buying whatever you want. Coupons can only be used once, and do not help you purchase other items.
You have an option to get your card on your phone by texting JOIN to 22822, order a printed card through the mail, or request your card by email to download immediately. You are able to access the digital version from your phone or by logging onto the RefillWise website, or you can check your rewards balance via text.
Your RefillWise card never expires and can be used to buy prescription medicine for yourself, your friends, your family members, even your pets, your friends' pets ... any person or any animal in your care. While coupons are only valid for a limited time, RefillWise lasts forever and is meant to always be part of your prescription pick-up routine, so you save money in the short-term and earn rewards in the long-term. The more you use your discount card, the more rewards you will reap. And you can earn rewards from your grocery store or pharmacy at the same time.
Instant RefillWise savings and rewards can be earned at any major pharmacy by showing your card or mobile device, and rewards - which never expire - may be redeemed for any item you choose. Both provide significant advantages over a generic coupon.
As our earlier blog posts highlights, RefillWise launched a new, innovative texting interface that makes it easier for you to receive your free discount card. It only requires two simple steps. Here's how it works:
Step 1: Text “Join” to 22822.
Step 2: Receive your card.
Because you receive your card — quickly — there are no further steps to take. But if you have any other questions, text "menu" to see what else you can do with RefillWise by Text.
If you need help understanding how to use your card, text "1."
If you would like to receive another copy of your card, text "2."
If you would like to change your reward type, text "3."
If you would like to see the status of your savings and rewards, text "4."
If you would like to contact the RefillWise team by phone or email, text "5."
Now, you don't have to worry about ensuring you have your card, since it's with you on your phone at all times. And signing up only takes two simple steps that can be completed in less than two minutes.