We offer members a pharmacy discount card - not a coupon - that earns cash rewards.
While coupons expire and are generally used one time, cards work forever, and your benefits will never expire. With your card, you never have to think about shopping by a certain date or at a specific place, or only for one particular prescription. It's free, yours to keep, and saves you money every time you use it, forever.
You get a $5 gift card the first time you use your card, then earn points every time you use your card. After every tenth visit, you receive another $5 gift card - which you can spend buying whatever you want. Coupons can only be used once, and do not help you purchase other items.
You have an option to get your card on your phone by texting JOIN to 22822, order a printed card through the mail, or request your card by email to download immediately. You are able to access the digital version from your phone or by logging onto the RefillWise website, or you can check your rewards balance via text.
Your RefillWise card never expires and can be used to buy prescription medicine for yourself, your friends, your family members, even your pets, your friends' pets ... any person or any animal in your care. While coupons are only valid for a limited time, RefillWise lasts forever and is meant to always be part of your prescription pick-up routine, so you save money in the short-term and earn rewards in the long-term. The more you use your discount card, the more rewards you will reap. And you can earn rewards from your grocery store or pharmacy at the same time.
Instant RefillWise savings and rewards can be earned at any major pharmacy by showing your card or mobile device, and rewards - which never expire - may be redeemed for any item you choose. Both provide significant advantages over a generic coupon.