As a RefillWise member, we want to ensure you reap the most rewards and benefits out of your RefillWise card. Our mission is to make your prescriptions affordable, accessible, and available – and three tips outlined below will help you instantly save up to 80% at the pharmacy while earning cash rewards.
Tip #1: Sign Up Via Text
You can sign up for RefillWise by texting JOIN to 22822. One benefit of signing up by text is you will have your card with you at all times you carry your phone. Another benefit? As long as you have your phone, you won't forget your card, and even if you lose your phone, we can replace your card so you won't lose any of the cash rewards you earned.
Tip #2: Keep a Spare Membership Card
If you register for a new account at RefillWise.com, request a card by email to print at home, then print an extra copy. Or if you receive our card by mail, make a photocopy and store it in a safe place, or take a picture of it. Even if you lose your original card, you can easily contact us to request a new card, and the cash rewards you have already earned can still be redeemed. Our friendly customer service team is also always available to listen and help you with your card or your account.
Tip #3: Share Membership among Family Members
By sharing one membership per household, you earn rewards faster and more often. You can also request or print extra copies of your card for your household members to use, similar to how several relatives in the same family may share one rewards card telephone number at a grocery store chain. If you don't want other members of your household to see your prescription history and want to personally receive a $5 gift card after filling each tenth prescription, it would make sense for you to keep your account separate from other family members. But if you pick up prescriptions for other family members in your care — even your pet — your rewards will accumulate much faster.
By signing up via text, requesting or printing an extra card online for your account, and sharing your membership with the people and pets in your household, you will reap the most rewards from your RefillWise experience.