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RefillWise Partners with The Senior Source

by RefillWise December 14, 2016 News

Carrying out our mission of helping our neighbors and partners, the RefillWise team volunteers at The Senior Source, Dallas' go-to nonprofit for aging services. For more than half a century, The Senior Source has assisted, protected and connected older adults to resources, opportunities, and independence. Its mission is to enhance the overall quality of life and empower ALL older adults to thrive. This December, RefillWise donated items needed by a nursing home near our headquarters, making spirits bright, and participating in games with residents — including Bingo!

There are many nonprofits that help older people, so what distinguishes The Senior Source?

  1. Longevity. Originally called The Senior Citizens Foundation of Dallas, The Senior Source has been serving the community since 1961, a time when Dallas had a population of about 700,000. The population of the Dallas area is nearly five times the size now, and at about 3.3 million, the fourth largest metropolitan area in the nation. The Senior Source's presence and commitment has made a real, long-lasting impact in the community.

  2. Efficacy. The Senior Source has kept pace with Dallas’ growth and corresponding needs and serves more than 30,000 older adults and their family members every year in Dallas and Collin Counties.

  3. Diversity of Programs. The Senior Source offers several programs and life-changing services, from a senior employment program to a guardianship and money management program.

    • Elder Support Program – specialists provide case coordination, supportive counseling and problem resolution to older adults and their caregivers.

    • Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program – staff and volunteers work to improve the quality of life in nursing homes and assisted living facilities.

    • Guardianship and Money Management Program – trained volunteers and staff help manage the personal and financial affairs of frail, vulnerable elderly.

    • Senior Employment Program – professionals provide mature job seekers with job search techniques, seminars, job leads, networking opportunities and computer training.

    • Senior Companion Program – older adults serve as in-home companions to elderly with special needs so they can remain independent.

    • AGE (Advocacy Group for Elders) – community members come together to address issues affecting older adults such as housing and healthcare.

    • Foster Grandparent Program – seniors are paired with children in early education settings, homeless shelters, community centers and hospitals.

    • RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program) – volunteers help people look for a wide variety of volunteer activities for older adults.

    • ElderCare Partners – an arm of The Senior Source, this fee-based program delivers a level of expertise to the elderly and their families that no other geriatric care management service can match.

    • Elder Financial Safety Center - A unique collaborative partnership between The Senior Source, the Dallas County Probate Courts and the District Attorney’s Office, The Elder Financial Safety Center helps older adults to avoid the dangers of financial uncertainty and exploitation. The partnership is the only one of its kind in the nation dedicated specifically to older adults.

  4. Relevance. The number of Americans aged 45-64 who will reach 65 over the next two decades has increased by 31 percent during this decade. By 2030, there will be about 72.1 million older persons, more than twice their number in 2000. RefillWise recognizes the needs of this growing aging population, which is why RefillWise serves so many who fall in this category.

  5. Inclusivity. The Senior Source does not discriminate and offers life-changing services for older adults at all income levels, from the most active to the very frail.

To learn more about volunteering at The Senior Source, click on this link for more information. You can also like The Senior Source on Facebook and LinkedIn, follow them on Twitter, and donate online.

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