If you knew that you had a big expense coming up next year, perhaps purchasing a car, or doing some remodeling at your house, you would likely conduct research, compare costs, and make sure that your money was buying you the best option for your needs.
Even with small purchases - groceries, household products, electronics - we want to be certain that we are getting the best value for our needs. It isn't uncommon to check sales, use coupons, and join rewards programs that earn you rewards and discounts.
Why not do the same with your healthcare?
The average family of four will spend around $10,000 a year on health insurance premiums. Then there are additional expenses for doctor's visits, tests, procedures, surgeries and prescription medication. Every year American families are spending thousands of dollars on healthcare, yet we aren't treating our healthcare the same way we do other major expenses. Being a savvy consumer can help you save money on your healthcare.
Ask Questions
Is this test necessary? Is there a generic version of this medication? How much will this cost? You do not have to accept your care without questions, and you might find that there is a more affordable way to receive the same quality of health care. You don't always have to sacrifice excellent health care for affordable health care.
Research insurance plans
If you have an employer-sponsored plan, check its coverage against what is available on your health exchange. Hire a broker to see if there is a policy that better fits your needs. You will want to check not just your premium, but your deductible, what is covered, and if the insurance plan covers your preferred doctors and prescriptions.
Research health care providers
Check with your physician to compare the cost of paying out of pocket versus using your insurance. You may find a provider offers a sliding scale fee or a separate price for people paying out of pocket. If you are having a complicated procedure done, such as surgery, you can check to make sure that every provider, including the anesthesiologist and the facility, is covered by insurance, not just the surgeon. Also, make sure you know which hospitals are in-network for your plan and don't head to an ER for something you can have taken care of at an urgent care clinic.
Ask for a Discount
If you receive a large bill for a medical procedure, call the billing department and see if they can offer you a discount. They may be able to give you a percentage discount, sometimes a quite substantial one, if you pay cash rather than using your insurance. Or you can even call ahead if you're planning a non-emergency procedure such as a birth or elective surgery.
Ask for a Gap Exception
If a provider you want to use is not covered by your insurance, you can request a gap exception if they are the only provider of their kind in your area. A gap exception gives you in-network coverage for an out-of-network provider.
Join RefillWise
RefillWise not only offers discounts on prescriptions, but it also rewards you for using it. Just like the reward programs at grocery stores, you can earn RefillWise and grocery store or pharmacy rewards at the same time when you purchase the prescriptions you need.