RefillWise loves our members. It's free to become a member — simply text JOIN to 22822 or sign up for a free card. Then show your card to your pharmacist to immediately save up to 80% on all prescription medicine and durable medical equipment while earning cash rewards, which can be used to buy groceries or anything else in the store.
We love to hear from our members, learn how they became members, and understand how they saved money. If you have a RefillWise story to share, please let us know.
Meanwhile, here are some heartwarming stories from our members to inspire your use of our free card:
Aberg Center for Literacy recently partnered with RefillWise to sign up students, staff and volunteers for discounted prescriptions. I was moved to tears when I learned that following a three week stay in the hospital, one of our affiliates saved almost $800 in ONE visit to the pharmacy! I am thankful for RefillWise and the impact they are making!
— Shana Harrison (nonprofit executive director)
My insurance stopped covering an important prescription this year. One text to RefillWise saved me $100! Thank you!
— Amy (joined via text)
Used the digital card to refill a prescription that would have cost $300 instead of $38 with the card. I am telling others about this card and my son-in-law is signing up also. Thank you.
— Annie (joined online)
Got prescriptions at Kroger for our family. Original cost was $445. Actual cost with RefillWise was $145, for a savings of $300! We are thrilled!
— Kelly (joined via an employer)
As a social enterprise, we are the only pharmacy discount provider offering our members cash rewards, which accrue at the same time as rewards from your drugstore or grocery store. If you are an employer or nonprofit organization, we want to partner with you to help your employees, clients, and volunteers save up to 80%. If you have suggestions on how we can better serve you, please email us, or call (855) 279-9027. Our card is always free to members and partners, and we never sell your data to third parties. Together we will ease the burden of paying for expensive prescription medicines and durable medicial equipment to make our families, our community, and our nation stronger and healthier.